Wading through floods to find a 1300 year old border

Two weeks ago my car had its annual MOT inspection. The garage I have been using for 20 years had moved during Covid and me being a loyal type and the mechanic being amazing, I decided it was worth going to his new premises about 15 miles away. When I arrived at the garage I… Continue reading Wading through floods to find a 1300 year old border

The betrayal that ended the old British kingdom of Rheged

One of the eras of history I most enjoy is that bit of British history after the Romans and before the arrival of those pesky Normans. When the land was split between numerous kingdoms who battled for control and eventual a land of many kingdoms became one of few.  It seems at least some of these… Continue reading The betrayal that ended the old British kingdom of Rheged

King Edgar The Ætheling – The last and uncrowned Anglo-Saxon King of England

We all know about the momentous events of 1066 where poor King Harold and his men achieved the impossible in marching up from London and defeating a massive Viking invasion led by Harald Hardraada at the Battle of Stamford bridge and then by total bad luck having waited all year for an invasion from then… Continue reading King Edgar The Ætheling – The last and uncrowned Anglo-Saxon King of England

Æthelflaed – Lady of the Mercians

Every now and then I like to write a post about one of the important and often overlooked women in history and British history in particular.  Sometimes they appear in the most unexpected places such as the Wrestling Mongolian Princess Khutulun or a very  Grace Darling who became a heroine around the world in Victorian times. We… Continue reading Æthelflaed – Lady of the Mercians

My final Map Medlee!

This is the final posting in my recent collection of motley maps, at least for now.     France is a pretty big country by any going, the only European nation that wouldn’t necessarily be dwarfed by countries on other countinents.   However, incredibly it is the almost the exact same size as Olympus Mons… Continue reading My final Map Medlee!

The Terrible Tale of Ælfheah – Archbishop of Canterbury

Being the Archbishop of Canterbury is probably not the easiest job in the world.  You might have a nice palace in London and an entourage of officials around you but there is no doubt lots of travelling, meetings to have and near constant flak from big business, the media, government and the population at large.… Continue reading The Terrible Tale of Ælfheah – Archbishop of Canterbury

Up Helly Aa – The Modern Day Viking Festival

This coming Tuesday sees one of the most spectacular event of the British cultural calendar though it is a long from most people in the British Isles.  It is known as Up Helly Aa and takes place in the town of Lerwick in the Shetland Islands. I’ve always wanted to go to the Shetlands, partly… Continue reading Up Helly Aa – The Modern Day Viking Festival

The Battle of Hastings and 1066

Today is the 950th anniversary of one of the most pivotal battles in history.  Perhaps only the Battle of Manzikert in 1071AD which saw the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and the gradual Turkification of Anatolia can rival it for at least a century before or after. The lead up to the Battle of Hastings… Continue reading The Battle of Hastings and 1066

The history of Father Christmas & Santa Claus

I’m not really into the modern Christmas, I’m much more into the original meaning of Christmas.  However that’s not to say I’m not interested in the traditions of Father Christmas it’s just that I am into the more original meanings of  it rather than the money and over indulgence of this biggest of HOLY(i)days. Many… Continue reading The history of Father Christmas & Santa Claus

Bitten to death by a dead mans head: The unfortunate, deserving & true tale of Sigurd Eysteinsson

One of the slightly odd pleasures I had when I was studying at university was learning of various terrible ways people died or executed.  To some degree this is normal for many historians but as I majored in amongst others, Mongol history, then it might be clear that I had more deaths than usual to… Continue reading Bitten to death by a dead mans head: The unfortunate, deserving & true tale of Sigurd Eysteinsson