Gallipoli and ANZAC Day – One of the biggest disasters in history

The Gallipoli campaign in the Dardanelles region of modern day Turkey was a landmark battle of World War One.  It is counted as perhaps the greatest Ottoman Turkish victory in the war and set about creating a Turkish nationalism that went on to create a modern country out of the ashes of defeat at the… Continue reading Gallipoli and ANZAC Day – One of the biggest disasters in history

100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Most of us are familiar with the holocaust in WW2 enacted by Nazi Germany against Jewish people, Gypsies, communists and the mentally ill but this week sees the 100th anniversary of another holocaust or Genocide, the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. Historically The Ottoman Empire had far outshone most European states for centuries in terms of… Continue reading 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

My latest news!

I hope this post find everyone well.  We’re already in mid-April and so far this year I haven’t posted any updates on what I’m doing and my various projects which superficially might give the impression that I’m rather busy. Actually I am rather busy with my blog, writing and my tours.  I don’t know about… Continue reading My latest news!

Who to vote for when all the political parties suck?

In the U.K. we have our General Election on 7th May 2015 and whilst I don’t generally blog on politics I thought I’d make an exception given how this election seems to be even more important than usual.  I could have titled this post ‘Who to vote for when many of the political parties have good… Continue reading Who to vote for when all the political parties suck?

Time to stop the Police Shoot to Kill policy?

The recent shooting of Walter Scott in the back has made the news not just in South Carolina but around the world and is the latest case of police in the United States seemingly having a low regard for people of a certain colour and for having itchy trigger fingers in general.  I’ve been meaning… Continue reading Time to stop the Police Shoot to Kill policy?

It’s always the last place you look

This is a small bonus post as I have two more serious posts coming up and I wanted to lighten the mood… before it had already got soured! Some of you may remember that in February I wrote a post on Leonard Nimoy and I mentioned how I had met him several times and was the… Continue reading It’s always the last place you look

The Red Squirrel Fightback begins!

It is one of our most loved creatures and like the Robin redbreast is one of our most treasured creatures.  Symbolised in snowy British winters it is iconic and yet like most of us, I’ve never seen a Red Squirrel. 150 years ago they were rampant across much of the nation but then in 1876… Continue reading The Red Squirrel Fightback begins!

Did Jesus Christ visit England?

This is Easter weekend and we in the U.K. are fortunate to have both the Friday and Monday as national public holidays reflecting the fact that until recent years, Easter was more important than Christmas and to actual Christians and the theology of Christianity itself, still is. So I had the time yesterday to spend… Continue reading Did Jesus Christ visit England?

Churchill – When a picture is worth a thousand words.

Last weekend I had an interesting tour to Chartwell House, the home of wartime Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.  In fact it was something of a family outing as the lovely couple I took there were also Churchills and distantly related to the great man. Obviously it would be impossible to write a single post… Continue reading Churchill – When a picture is worth a thousand words.