Crows, Ravens & Halloween

Over the years, I have written quite a few posts on Halloween related subjects such as Halloweens of past and present (updated)  Top 10 Haunted places in the U.K. the fearful Spring Heeled Jack who wrought terror in mostly distant times and the Enfield Poltergeist who terrified a particular family in modern day London. This year I… Continue reading Crows, Ravens & Halloween

The Death of Stalin – Movie Review

Dear Comrades, it gives me great pleasure, indeed it is behoven on me to introduce to you one of the great cinematic treasures of 2017, The Death of Stalin. As the Presidium is no doubt aware (for they have eyes and ears everywhere) I’ve been waiting to see this film for months.  It is black… Continue reading The Death of Stalin – Movie Review

Weird Street Names of London

One of the things that I come across when I do my tours in London and indeed everywhere else in the U.K. is some of the unusual names that can be found either of settlement names or street names.  London has its fair share of weird names, some of them very traditional if a little… Continue reading Weird Street Names of London

Jeremy Bentham, his life, his work and his head!

Jeremthy Bentham is a famous 18th and 19th century political philospher.  Unlike many before and since, you can actually visit Jeremy today as he had himself preserved so he could be wheeled out at dinner parties in case his friends missed him. You might never have heard of Jeremy Bentham but I guarantee you’ll find… Continue reading Jeremy Bentham, his life, his work and his head!

Women and The Great War

When we think of The Great War, the role of women is an often forgotten element in comparison to the famous battlefields around the world.  However as the German leadership quickly stated, WW1 was a total war that required the participation of each nation to win and that included women.  Not only did WW1 change… Continue reading Women and The Great War

The 30th Anniversary of The Great Storm of 1987

Anyone who lived through The Great Storm of 1987 isn’t likely to forget it in a hurry. It was almost a generation-defining moment the night when ships ran aground, London endured its first blackout since the Blitz, 18 people died and 15 million trees were toppled. Thirty years ago on today The Great Storm or… Continue reading The 30th Anniversary of The Great Storm of 1987

Goodbye Christopher Robin Film Review

Every now and then you come across a film that you know will just turn out to be a classic even if it isn’t initially thought to be such.  I am one of the few who went to see Shawshank Redemption at the cinema and even more remarkably, I loved it from the start.  … Continue reading Goodbye Christopher Robin Film Review

The Americans Are Coming!

When war was declared in Europe, the United States of America had no interest in joining what they labelled as the European War.  American doctrine of the time was insular with regards to the old world and instead concentrated on shaping the Americas as to its own liking.  Indeed a significant portion of the American… Continue reading The Americans Are Coming!

Did Babylonians Beat The Greeks To Trigonometry?

We’re all used to learning that it was the Ancient Greeks who invented (or inflicted for those of us who hate Maths) Trigonometry but recent evidence suggests that they may have been beaten to it those canny Babylonians. A 3,700-year-old clay tablet has proven that the Babylonians developed trigonometry 1,500 years before the Greeks and were… Continue reading Did Babylonians Beat The Greeks To Trigonometry?

When WW1 came to East Africa

As we approach Armistice Day, it’s become something of a blog tradition for me to write some posts related to WW1.   I thought this time to pick a little bit of an unusual subject and a little discussed arena in the war, East Africa. Whilst the fighting of the war concentrated in Europe, it… Continue reading When WW1 came to East Africa