We need better representation not less

The post below is a mirror of a guest posting I wrote at the excellent Political Idealist website.  If you have the slightest interest in UK politics and current affairs then you really should check it out! With the recent talk of David Cameron leading us out of the European Union, much has been made… Continue reading We need better representation not less

Queen Victoria and her Munshi, Abdul Karim

As regular readers may be aware, I am putting out tentative feelers in the way of free-lance writing.  Amongst the first of my commissions is to write a series of articles for The Muslim Academy Website which is a not for profit organisation set up to create cross cultural discussion promote the sometimes  lesser known… Continue reading Queen Victoria and her Munshi, Abdul Karim

What’s in a name? The name’s Liddell, Stephen Liddell.

Today is one of those days where I had a whole slew of subjects that I could write about but one thing led to the other which is why I am here writing about Robert Burns, the famous Scottish poet whose birth was celebrated on January 25th as it is every year.  Or actually I’m… Continue reading What’s in a name? The name’s Liddell, Stephen Liddell.

Why don’t we eat horse meat?

This week much of the news in the UK and Ireland has been dominated by the discovery of horse DNA in a number of popular supermarket beef burgers where a sample from a Tesco burger revealed that rather than being a beef burger, there was in fact 29% horse-meat.  Knowing the low quality of some… Continue reading Why don’t we eat horse meat?

Calligraphy: The Art of writing or why I bought a Fountain Pen

I don’t know about you but I hate pens. Not all pens but just the cheap throw-away biro type pens that we all seem to have to endure these days. The sort of pens that 20 years ago would be attached to the end of a chain at banks or medical practices. Sufficient to write… Continue reading Calligraphy: The Art of writing or why I bought a Fountain Pen

Canterbury Cathedral:- The murder and martyrdom of Thomas Becket

Recently on the 29th December, a remembrance service was held in Canterbury Cathedral. The service is held every year as it has been for centuries, in memory of one of most dramatic and tragic figures of early Medieval English history, Thomas Becket. The death of Thomas Becket. is one of the most dramatic and well-known… Continue reading Canterbury Cathedral:- The murder and martyrdom of Thomas Becket