Highclere Castle – Home of TV’s Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey
Downton Abbey is filmed at Highclere Castle

Highclere Castle is known to audiences around the world as the home of Lord and Lady Grantham on the popular series Downton Abbey.

As eagle-eyed viewers will have notice Highclere is more a stately home than a castle in real life is the residence of the Carnarvon family who are fortunate enough to live in exactly the same Staterooms that we see weekly on television and in films such as The Four Feathers.  The house itself dates back centuries and is built and decorated in the Renaissance style.  As with so many other of our grandest houses, its gardens were modelled by Capability Brown and one could easily spend all day exploring its corners.

If the name Carnarvon sounds familiar, then that may well be because it was an earlier Lord Carnarvon who with his architectural colleague Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.  As such Highclere is also home to a fascinating museum on Egyptology demonstrating the discovery of the lost tomb of the fabled boy king as well exhibiting some relics brought back from Egypt itself.

For more information or to make a booking, please email yeoldeenglandtours@gmail.com

Highclere Castle
Home of Lord Carnarvon


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