Saying goodbye to my Mam

Whilst everyone else including myself was winding down and looking forward to having the next day off for Easter, my poor mother was dying. This wasn’t the first time that she had suffered from cancer or had serious operations as she had done on and off for about 13 years.  Like before, she had been… Continue reading Saying goodbye to my Mam

The War in Syria and what we can do to help against a 21st Century War Criminal

Todays posting isn’t going to be about some wishy-washy subject.  I’m going to write about something important and something which is killing thousands of people every month, the civil uprising and war in Syria.   I’m writing because it is important and we CAN do something.  Up to 5000 people a month visit this blog, that… Continue reading The War in Syria and what we can do to help against a 21st Century War Criminal

Unemployment – Great hours but the pay sucks

Regular readers, fans and groupies may have noticed over the last few months how dissatisfied I had become with my day job.  It wasn’t just because I hated it though that was true.  It was due to a whole host of reasons that combined together to make it a mission impossible. The more eagle-eyed of… Continue reading Unemployment – Great hours but the pay sucks

Margaret Thatcher, her life and legacy

Baroness Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born the daughter of a Grantham grocer in 1925. Never has a politician so split the country like Mrs Thatcher and as such it will be rather a challenge to give a neural account of her life and career but then Thatcher always preferred people who had wrong opinions than… Continue reading Margaret Thatcher, her life and legacy

History of social classes and does class matter?

Much attention was given in the news this week to the announcement that we in Great Britain no longer live in a society of three classes but what does this mean for us and is it important anyway? Britain is famous for its class system. This is largely due to our long history without internal… Continue reading History of social classes and does class matter?