Special movie moment in an otherwise bad film

Everybody has their favourite films that they like for whatever reasons. I like watching films generally and happily admit that sometimes even the most mundane and even bad film has a redeeming scene. Sometimes it is an amazing scene which lights up the whole movie, at least for you. Maybe it is because you like… Continue reading Special movie moment in an otherwise bad film

Wimbledon Woes

Driving in to work today pondering whether cars in the U.K have an option to drive without the windscreen wipers on, I’m sure they must do but I haven’t seen any evidence for months that they do it occurred to me that parents who want their children to be successful tennis players should take more… Continue reading Wimbledon Woes

My first blog

This is going to be where my blogs appear in the very near future. Some of my blog will covering the trials and Tribble-ations of writing. Much of my blog though will cover whatever takes my fancy whether it be TV and film, something from the news or something happier like the never ending rain!

Categorized as writing

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