Depression is no laughing matter

Last week England were thrashed in the first match of the Ashes Tour in Australia.  Though many players performed below par, one player played particularly below his best.  His name is Jonathan Trott and anyone watching the game could see that he wasn’t enjoying himself.   He was described by Australian star David Warner as being “pretty poor and pretty weak” which goes against the unwritten sporting rules of cricket of not badmouthing individuals.    The situation was just part of bad tempered match which saw Michael Clarke warn his opponent that he should get ready for a broken arm.

David Warner
Australian cricketer David Warner so far best known for fighting in a pub and insulting the mentally ill.

Immediately after the end of the match Jonathan Trott announced he was returning home and was unlikely to be taking any further part of the tour as he was suffering from depression.  He is not the first England player to admit to suffering from depression and perhaps the world of a modern cricket player spending 4 or 5 months on the other side of the world inflicts certain pressures on players which are not the case for domestic players of any other sport.

David Warner even admitted that he probably crossed the line before Trott even admitted his illness. To their credit the Australian players one and all apologised for the comments and wished Trott well with his forthcoming rest and treatment.   However it also shows how rude and unwise it is to personally insult people, even opposing sports players when they have no idea of just what is going behind closed doors.

People suffering from depression are often unable to cope with even the slightest thing let alone going to work, even if or perhaps more so if your work involves having a team of players spending hours shouting abuse at you… before you even get to the spectators.  Often such suffers only want to hide away in a dark corner waiting for themselves or the world to end.  It is not a matter of cheering oneself up or getting over it.  It’s not being sad from someone calling you a name or having one of those days and anyone who has suffered from it would never voluntarily feel that way.  Depression is an unavoidable illness every bit as any other physical disease.  We’re not used to seeing people with this illness, let alone someone in the spotlight but people should be as caring and understanding as if he had any other major illness.

Trott Headlines
Mean-spirited headlines. Would they say the same if he had Cancer or Aids?

Despite this, there was no shortage of criticism of Jonathan Trott with his character and spirit being questioned and made fun of.  100 years ago men who had suffered from the noise and horrors of WW1 and unable to raise themselves into battle for the umpteenth time were found to be cowards and executed by their own sides.  Decades later, their symptoms would become known as shell-shock and these days it would be clear to all that they were suffering from mental conditions that were every bit as real and dreadful as having been shot or had their leg blown off.  Despite that, even now such brave soldiers are not commemorated and there are movements not only to pardon them but to have their names remembered with all the other casualties of the war.  Even now, there are too many veterans of recent wars who suffering from what they have done and seen find themselves unable to fit back into society and end up homeless or suicidal.

A cricketer suffering from depression is of course in no way comparable to the suffering of the helpless Tommies but the similarities are clear to see.  Already many if not most, reasonable people understand that depression is something real that is not a weakness of the sufferer but like issues of race, gender and sexuality before it there are many people in all levels of society that either ignore it or worse, belittle those that are ill with it.

Michael Clarke
Australian Captain fined for his match conduct. What happened to fair play and being gracious in victory and defeat? Would you want your country represented by this man? Glad he’s not mine.

If the suffering of Jonathan Trott has any silver lining to it then lets hope that the high-profile helps especially in Britain and Australia.  The Australian team has publicly stated that they won’t mention the incident in a detrimental way in their sledging (aggressive comments aimed at angering, insulting and putting off opponents) but as the ideals of cricket and indeed every day life, instead of badmouthing their opponents perhaps instead they should offer the hand of friendship and ask if someone is all right or needs any help instead of humiliating them further.

Jonathan Trott
Get well soon!

By Stephen Liddell

I am a writer and traveller with a penchant for history and getting off the beaten track. With several books to my name including several #1 sellers. I also write environmental, travel and history articles for magazines as well as freelance work. I run my private tours company with one tour stated by the leading travel website as being with the #1 authentic London Experience. Recently I've appeared on BBC Radio and Bloomberg TV and am waiting on the filming of a ghost story on British TV. I run my own private UK tours company (Ye Olde England Tours) with small, private and totally customisable guided tours run by myself!


  1. This is why I don’t understand sports. Threatening to break someone’s arm? Shouldn’t he be charged with threats? No, because this is sports. What a twisted reality.

    This is also why I don’t stress sports to my children. They did play organised soccer for a few years, but when they lost interest, I was glad. Soccer on the world stage is one of the most violent sports out there. People die, including fans being crushed against fences.

    When we do play a sport, I stress the fun of it. If a sport isn’t fun, there is no sense playing it. I’ve played on many organised sports teams–mostly baseball–and we played for fun. That was the message the coaches and parents stressed. Of course that was more than thirty years ago. Times have changed…for the bad.


    1. I agree. Times have changed and they have only got worse where things like sport and the behaviour of people in general. The player was fined 20% of his salary for shouting those threats but really if people were serious he should be banned for a period of time.

      If people get banned for several years for taking drugs and cheating well surely getting an advantage by threatening other players is cheating too and so such people should also be banned.

      Yes I too used to play sports when little and it was always for fun whether in the garden, park or official sports event. Now the parents shout abuse at the referee and encourage their children to hurt others.

      The only point of sport is for fun. If it gets nasty then its not sport but real life and there is enough natural nastiness in real life without having sport make it worse.


  2. We truly should never be making fun of ANYONE! Ever! You never know what is going on behind the scenes in a person’s life. What if the person is so depressed that he/she is one comment away from suicide? I would hate to have that on my conscience. Awful. Shameful.


    1. Well said! That particular person could have any number of problems such as deaths of family of friends, serious illnesses, worries about children. All too often you read about people who committed suicide because they were bullied or suffered from what people thought were just harmless jokes.


  3. I agree with you Stephen. I cannot believe those headlines. Wow! I guess anything goes if it sells? I hope his recovery goes well. It is such a real illness and I hope he gets the treatment he needs.



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