#Mugabe Falls

It’s always nice to see politicians make an idiot of themselves.  Whether it former President George W. Bush or current London Mayor Boris Johnson, if we have to put up with characters then at least we can laugh at them.

Of course that is because in democracies we pretty much get to see everything, warts and all about our leaders.  Some countries aren’t so lucky and when tyrannical leaders do something bad or stupid, their people rarely get to see the true story before it is airbrushed out of history.  When it comes to tyrants, there are few who are as long-lasting or more despicable than Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe who started off in the 1970’s as a freedom fighter and then democratic president before deciding to make himself a life-time ruler, holding sham elections, ruining his country and torturing and killing countless of his opponents.

Mugabe is now 91 years old and though he dyes his hair jet black, sometimes old-age pokes through like recently when he stumbled down some steps.  Not wanting to look weak, old or undignified, Mugabe set about trying to keep the resulting photos hidden but sadly for him they got out.  Whilst he can claim to his people he never fell over, the rest of us can happily prod fun at this thoroughly nasty man which is really the one thing tyrants like least of all.

Within hours, the internet was seeing the creation of #MugabeFalls.  No, not his latest PR fad to change the name of Victoria Falls but rather the talented international community who used the photos of him falling over to good comedic effect.

Mugabe Falls
Mugabe realises he has to escape from his own ruined country.
Mugabe Falls
Mugabe is seen being chased by his own security forces before demonstrating that despite being 91, he can still do the limbo.
Mugabe Falls
Our venerable leader tries his hand at Quidditch
Mugabe Falls
Clearly his talents are wasted being a murdering dictator. Here he is skiing in the Alps before the European Arrest Warrant went out.


Mugabe Falls
Wrestling Star Randy Orton takes down Mugabe with his RKO signature move
Mugabe Falls
Political dissent. Ouch!
Mugabe Falls
One fall he deserves to take.
Mugabe Falls
Here is Mugabe making a nice pass through the Liverpool defences setting Chelsea on their way for a chance at goal.  Anyone reckon he fouled the Liverpool player… I’d expect so.


How's that!
How’s that! – Mugabe makes it to the crease but the fielding team are sure he is out. Mugabe is still 36 years in though!
Mugabe Falls
The esteemed ahem President diving down Victoria Falls
Mugabe Falls
Mugabe jives down like Ariel the Little Mermaid
Mugabe Falls
Faster than a speeding bullet. This makes even Putin look effeminate.


Mugabe Falls
Mugabe chilling in his stolen national resources whilst a dispossessed farmer wonders how many people will starve due to the ill-thought out land reforms.
Mugabe Falls
I don’t rightly know what he’s up to here but he doesn’t have to explain himself to us. He is MUGABE, the glorious one.
Mugabe Falls
Is there no beginning… I mean end to this mans talents?
Mugabe Falls
Mugabe strutting his stuff like a surfer dude
Mugabe Falls
You should see his 720’s. Mugabe is the man!
Mugabe Falls
What’s the betting Mugabe will get 99.97% of the vote?
Mugabe Falls
It’s not just his economy that’s a car crash
Mugabe Falls
Mugabe on the run from his people and his animals
Mugabe Falls
Mugabe has fallen
Mugabe Falls
Proof that Mugabe did fall. Look how all his personnel are just standing watching, obviously not wanting to get themselves shot.

I’m sure you’ll agree that the Zimbabwe President is really missing a trick here by banning the photos of him falling down when really with a little effort he could show everyone that he has talents in abundance and is not just a murderous, corrupt and very old dictator.

By Stephen Liddell

I am a writer and traveller with a penchant for history and getting off the beaten track. With several books to my name including several #1 sellers. I also write environmental, travel and history articles for magazines as well as freelance work. I run my private tours company with one tour stated by the leading travel website as being with the #1 authentic London Experience. Recently I've appeared on BBC Radio and Bloomberg TV and am waiting on the filming of a ghost story on British TV. I run my own private UK tours company (Ye Olde England Tours) with small, private and totally customisable guided tours run by myself!


  1. You have given me such a good laugh! Mugabe has destroyed a once vibrant country that was the ‘bread-basket’ of Africa and left his people impoverished and starving while he lives in spectacular luxury in a palace. His policies see his people escaping en masse into South Africa, which is most unfortunate because they are whisking thousands of jobs from under the noses of the local people – creating simmering resentment and increasing outbreaks of violence – and a rather bleak outlook for South Africa as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it too, I did think of you when I thought of this post! I had many Zimbabwean friends at university in the late 90’s and even then he was obviously disliked and unpopular. What great ingenuity of people to make fun of him in this way. I was always a little disappointed that no way was found to remove him. I think the successors to President Mandela could have been a lot more firm with him and now it might end up costing South Africa as well as Zimbabwe.

      It is such a shame as I know Zimbabwe was once a great and wealthy land and with a long history too. I’m guessing Zimbabwe is another country I won’t be welcome in… at least for a little while!


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